Trip dist: 71 kms. Time: 4 hrs, 50 min. Tot dist: 5,283 kms.
Street hawkers.
Wow. I rolled into Prague this afternoon (short, fairly easy/uneventful ride along the national roads--ditched the Elbe Radweg shortly after setting off from Litoměřice, too much pain in the neck trying to figure out the sineage, and car roads are much faster) to discover that every single church near the city center is hosting a concert this evening, and some even twice a day (6 p.m. and 9 p.m.).
The competition for classical music performances is amazing here, so much so, that peddlers on the street hawk "Concert! 6 p.m. so and so church!" to passerbys as if they were selling crockery wares or something.
My kind of paradise. :)
Except that unfortunately this competition doesn't really do much to lower the price of a ticket: at an average of about 15 Euros this is approximately what you'd expect to pay for a church concert in the U.S. {shrug}
Ha ha, and I, that had been even thinking of cutting the trip short in Berlin, what with the dissapointment at the lack of music up to that point, can you believe it? :D
Glad I didn't. ;). And you betcha I'm listening here in Prague to all that I hadn't been able to listen to over the past 4 months [gets dreamy-eyed...]. Aaaah....{sigh}.
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